Hi! I am Susan and I have had a wonderful cloth diaper journey. It all began in 1999 when I became pregnant with my first child. I started an online store Caleb’s Corner so that I could stay home with my son, Caleb. I personalized onesies, rompers, and bibs with adorable sayings. When I became pregnant with my second child I decided to look for another product to add to Caleb's Corner to increase sales so I could continue to stay at home with my children. That is when I discovered FuzziBunz Cloth Diapers. I had no idea cloth diapers even still existed and was shocked to find out that disposable diapers were not good for my babies. I added FuzziBunz Cloth Diapers to Caleb's Corner and used them from day one on my baby girl. My fascination and addiction to cloth grew from there. In 2002 I opened a cloth diapering retail store so I could offer a variety of brands and my own brand of diaper totes and organic diapering accessories. Although I have closed the retail store, I am here today working from home, homeschooling my children, and helping families on their journey to using cloth diapers through this blog. Thank you for visiting and I hope I can help you find a cloth diapering system that works for you.

Debby D. is a stay-at-home mom to two beautiful babies! She has a very active two year old son, who lights up her life; and a sweet, adorable two month old daughter who already has her wrapped around her beautiful little finger. She has an amazing husband who works hard so she can stay home and raise their children! Debby says: “To say that God has blessed me beyond measure is an understatement!”
Annie is a genetic counselor, military wife, and mom to her 3.5 month old son. She enjoys spending time with family, especially in the great outdoors. Cloth diapering has been a natural part of her efforts for a greener, healthier lifestyle.
Danielle is a stay at home mother of four boys, all of whom have been cloth diapered. She started out with Gerber pins, prefolds, and plastic pants in April of 2000. Modern cloth diapering is wonderful and amazing to her! She is a self-diagnosed cloth addict. Her husband is considering sending her to meetings.

Stephanie P. lives in Oklahoma with her husband of 10 years and 3 children, ages 5, 2, and 4 months. She taught middle school for several years before becoming a stay-at-home mom, her real dream job. She began cloth diapering over two years ago to save money and has been hooked every since.
There are also several articles written by employees of Cloth Diapers, Inc. A big thank you to all the contributors.