The Flip cloth diapering system, by Cotton Babies, is a cloth diapering system that uses covers and either reusable or disposable inserts. The covers come in all of the bumGenius colors with snap closures. Flips are one size diapers and are supposed to fit babies/toddlers from birth to potty training. The recommended weight is from 8 to 35 pounds.
I was very skeptical when I received my first package, thinking that there would be nothing but leaks and more leaks. Boy, how wrong I was! I used the disposable inserts and reusable one size covers when we traveled for three weeks this past summer. The disposable inserts are amazing! My two month old, 22 month old, and 37 month old all were able to use them for daytime travel and two inserts at night time. We did not have a single leak in the entire three weeks, even with the newborn poosplosions!

Now, some may say I am a bit neurotic, but I color code my boys’ diapers. Bubbles is 3 and he wears green, Monkey is 2 and he wears blue, and Chubbs is seven months and he wears orange. Bubbles wears the largest rise on the covers and his waist snaps three snap in on each side. He is 30lbs and barrel chested with skinny hips. Monkey is on the second rise and his covers snap in four snaps on each hip. He is 26lbs and thin and tall. Chubbs is the lowest rise and his covers snap in four snaps on each side on the hips. He is almost 20lbs and has rolls on his rolls! The disposable inserts and stay dry inserts have seams where you can fold them down for small, medium, and large. We have not yet had a leak with the stay dry inserts. I prefer to use them as a night time diaper with a hemp insert. They work wonderfully and it has been so nice to have dry beds and jammies in the morning! The covers do seem to run a bit large, but even on Monkey, who is my skinniest, we still have an excellent fit. Flip diapers are my go to diapers for travel and night time.
If you want a versatile diapering system, Flip is the system to try! I love it and my boys seem to also! Just check out their smiles!
Danielle is a stay at home mother of four boys, all of whom have been cloth diapered. She started out with Gerber pins, prefolds, and plastic pants in April of 2000. Modern cloth diapering is wonderful and amazing to her! She is a self-diagnosed cloth addict. Her husband is considering sending her to meetings.