City: Pipestone, MN
Kid(s): Just one, "My terrorist," Carmen Alexandra 10 months old
Occupation: "Home Executive" okay... I'm a stay at home mom
What is your favorite cloth diaper? I will be honest, I saw Fuzzibunz when I was only a couple weeks pregnant and I haven't bought anything since. We have a big stash of 40 One Sizes. It's just perfect!
What is your nighttime diapering routine? Nothing special. Just 2 hemp inserts.
What is your particular style of parenting? I'm not sure exactly how to classify it but I think I do a good combo between attachment parenting and teaching my daughter independence. We do lots of stuff together and cuddle but she does a lot on her own like playing and feeding. I'm quite pleased.
What were your reasons for cloth diapering? When I was pregnant my husband and I were just sitting around looking at stuff online and I looked over at him and asked, "do you wanna cloth diaper?" and he said, "sure." And that was kind of it. We thought it would be more of a trendy thing rather than an earthy eco thing. I of course fell in love with how adorable they were, and then how affordable. After moving once, we put her in disposables and left her with my parents at about 7 months old and found out she was allergic. Rashes in less than 12 hours. So now it's a necessity and I am so happy we made the decision from day one.
What is your favorite meal to prepare for your family? eehh... I'm not a very good cook but I will admit, I can cook a steak to perfection on the grill!
What is your favorite thing about being a mom? Least favorite? My most favorite thing has to be how rewarding it can be. My daughter is gorgeous and sometimes I think, "holy cow - we made you!!" And there's the whole idea of someone who loves you unconditionally (well.. at this age) and she still looks at me like I am the best person in the world. I will say that the worst part is and it may sound selfish, but I lost a real hot body. I used to model and all. But since peanut was born, some things just don't sit where they used to.
What do you do to make time for yourself? Now that she finally sleeps through the night, I take about an hour and a half to sit and watch tv or surf the internet. I don't worry about losing sleep. I then write letters to my husband who is currently in Navy boot camp. It's been kind of therapeutic actually.
Favorite Quote: "I make my own happiness, because I KNOW I make my own misery." said by my mother and I strongly live by this. I mean we've had financial issues and all kinds of stuff creep on us but I try really hard never to let it ruin my mood or upset those around me.
What advice do you have for new cloth diapering moms? Just use lots of water. You know you read how so many people have ammonia issues or stink and I just strongly believe people are not washing with enough water. These babies know how to soak so it only makes sense to use a ton of water in the wash. A routine will come in time but once you have one, "don't fix what's not broken!"
Super Power? Has to be my super sonic hearing. Ha! I never use baby monitors in our two story town home anymore and I can hear every little thing!! This can also be a downfall as my neighbor's grandfather clock is 5 minutes ahead and my other neighbor loves her music while she showers...