So part of my job is that I get to try things out and see how they work. This is very cool! On our Facebook page, there is always talk about laundry and the best detergents to use. There are families who are strict in their CD friendly detergent use. Then, there are families who've only had good luck with detergents that aren't recommended by CD companies.
I thought I'd give one particular detergent a try. It will remain nameless, however, to protect the innocent. *wink wink* I started washing my butterbean's diapers in this detergent. I only used a very small amount for a couple of reasons. One: I only wash 3 to 4 diapers at a time as my little one is potty trained during the day. Two: This detergent is fairly "strong" and you don't need much.
When I first started using the new detergent, I didn't really notice much difference good or bad. My stash didn't seem to get any cleaner or fluffier than they did with my personal CD favorite detergent.. But I pressed on because I wanted to see what the fuss was about with this detergent.
Everything was normal for a couple of weeks. Then one morning I got a call from my mom who watches my butterbean for me. She said he had a terrible rash on his bum that looked like a sunburn. My heart dropped. The moment she said what it looked like I knew he had ammonia burn.
As soon as I got home I went to work. I had to fix my stash. I threw every insert, cover, pocket, and training pant in my top loading washer. I filled up the washer with hot water. Then I put a pot of water on the stove. Just before the water started to boil, I took it off the stove and poured it over my stash. I let them soak for 2 to 3 hours and rinsed with cold water. Then I repeated the process 3 times over two days.
After the last rinse, I ran a hot wash with no detergent. Dried them as usual. I took the diapers out of the dryer with a prayer that there would be no more ammonia burn.
The next morning I called my mom and asked how the little bum looked. No ammonia burn!!! YAY!
So I've gone back to my favorite brand of CD detergent. My diapers smell like...nothing. Clean and fresh. Just the way I like it. I hope you’ll find my experience helpful and useful in your own laundry fiascoes. ~Devin