Name: Wendy K.
City: Central Pennsylvania
Kids: One son, Finn - 14 months
Occupation: First and foremost: Mommy! I also have a full-time gig as an Advertising/Marketing Copywriter (with a little freelance on the side.)
What is your favorite cloth diaper?: We have lots of different diapers that work in different situations, but our "go-to" diaper that never lets us down is a Fuzzibunz lined with a BabyKicks hemp insert.
What is your nighttime diapering routine? : Same as day, but we find that an extra hemp insert or gCloth helps to prevent leaks.
What is your particular style of parenting?I follow many of the principles of Attachment Parenting, and we try to let nature guide most of our parenting decisions. I wasn't sure at first if it was possible to be a working mom and an AP parent, but now I know you can have both!
What were your reasons for cloth diapering?: Initially, we chose cloth for environmental reasons, as well as cost. But the first diapers we chose didn't work for us and we stopped. An article in Mothering Magazine got us back on track at 5 months by reminding us that all other reasons aside, cloth is best for baby's health.
What is your favorite meal to prepare for your family?: In the fall and winter, we love roasted root veggies from our garden. In the summer months, we love to top deep dish focaccia bread with whatever veggies and herbs we happen to pick that day.
What is your favorite thing about being a mom? Least favorite?: Choosing a favorite is difficult! More than anything, I really just love teaching my son, and watching him learn and grow. The snuggles are pretty great, too! As for my least favorite, I struggle with finding balance and feeling like I can't give everything 100%.
What do you do to make time for yourself?: The parenting support I've found online has been priceless, so I make time to blog and tweet when I can. I also try to make use of my drive to work. I figure, if I have to be in the car, I might as well crank up the music and enjoy the time alone while I can, right? :)
Favorite quote: "It is difficult to get the news from poems, yet men die miserably every day for lack of what is found there." ~ William Carlos Williams
What advice do you have for new cloth diapering moms/dads?: I would tell new CD moms to be prepared for a few snags along the way (laundry was mine.) And be sure to use your online community! There are tons of experienced moms out there just waiting to help you.
Super Power: I make little people!