Have you ever noticed how much people love to talk about food? Have you ever noticed how much more people like to talk about what their baby is eating? Moms obsess over what goes into their babies’ tummies. Breastfeeding vs. Formula. Organic vs. Non-organic. Store Bought vs. Homemade. How many of us moms could go on forever talking about what our babies are eating?
The kitchen is the heart of most homes. We make sure it is clean and sanitary so we don’t get sick. We work to make nutritious meals that our kids will actually eat. We make sure that each family member has a place at the table. We make sure that our kitchen is a loving and safe environment where we can come at the end of the day to nourish our family’s bodies and feed their souls.
If we do this for our families, how much more does our Heavenly Father do this for us?
Have you ever thought that God’s house in heaven has a kitchen too?
Who is more concerned with your basic needs than the One who longs to save your soul? Your eternal salvation and your evening meal come from the same place! Every one of God’s children has a place at His table. And He can’t wait to eat with us!
We don’t have to be shy about asking God for our daily provision. He wants to provide for us. In Psalm 37 it says that when we depend on Him He will take care of us. He is committed to caring for our needs. In fact, in Hebrews the writer says that God will give us our needs so that we can carry out His will for our lives. This was very convicting to me. I never realized that God truly wants us to depend on Him for our very survival. That He will never ask us to do something for Him without giving us the basic tools to do so.
So, the next time you find yourself overwhelmed and ready to scream, remember this….
the Father will provide everything you need for the task at hand, but you have to ask Him for it. He is already waiting with the answer.